Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lent day 4

Day 1, Ash Wednesday I learned it was pride keeping me attached to a website
Day 2, I learned that I want to do Lenten nobodies good.
Day 3, I learned ego was involved in meeting a new person. I was not even aware of this at all. I also learned that though I have such a long way to is grace that God keeps stooping to work with me. Indeed, it is grace.
I learned another thing, too. I am terrible at making Lenten resolutions. I want instant holiness NOW and I will do anything, including fail, to attempt to get there.
My dear husband is so good at helping me be moderate and successful.
I declared that I would have NO tea and NO computer at all. He said, how about tea without cream and sugar (what IS the point??) and keep the computer to just 30 minutes.
That is doable.
But the whole idea of Lent is to be diligent and patient, with others and myself, living our journey as a pilgrimage.
Day 4, I learned pride, the lack of humility, kept me from truly being sorry to the Lord, when I gave a blank look at a guy in a car who cut me off. As soon as I learned that I was prideful, thank you Jesus, I could be really sorry.
Humility is what I am aiming for this Lent. And the only way I am going to get there is by the Holy Spirit.

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