Sunday, February 28, 2010

dressed in virtue

At work today, someone was wearing some very pretty jewelry and I complimented her on it. She told me her daughters really love jewelry.
There is a jewelry craze going on with big bracelets, necklaces with large pendants, dangling earrings.....bulky rings, even ankle bracelets and toe rings.
Some have jewelry that is specific for one outfit. I could not imagine how much jewelry one would have to have with a few dozen outfits. Yikes!!
I thought further upon this and came to the realization that: I would rather be dressed in virtue, than in costume jewelry (of course) or in gold or silver.
Virtue makes a woman beautiful, but all the jewelry in the world cannot hide the defects that pride and vanity bring.
Brian and I have a saying, "Simplicity chose us, be we have embraced her." This is surely reflected in the jewelry I own. Few pieces and classy. My favorite piece of jewelry, besides my wedding ring, is the pearl necklace my mother gave me when I turned 20 or 21. Her parents gave it to her when she graduated from college. I will pass it on to Elisabeth when she is 20 or 21.
Somehow when I wear lots of jewelry I feel phony, false, fake. I cannot be someone I am not.
I am so glad because it keeps my feet walking closer to Jesus.

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